What are Hybrid Development Methods Made Of?

Paolo Tell, Jil Klünder, S. Küpper, David Raffo, Stephen MacDonell, Jürgen Münch, D. Pfahl, Oliver Linssen, Marco Kuhrmann

Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalConference articleResearchpeer-review


Regardless of company size or industry sector, a majority of project teams and companies use customized processes that combine different development methods-so-called hybrid development methods. Even though such hybrid development methods are highly individualized, a common understanding of how to systematically construct synergetic practices is missing. Based on 1,467 data points from a large-scale online survey among practitioners, we study the current state of practice in process use to answer the question: What are hybrid development methods made of? Our findings reveal that only eight methods and few practices build the core of modern software development. This small set allows for statistically constructing hybrid development methods.
Original languageEnglish
JournalLecture Notes in Informatics
VolumeP300 - Software Engineering 2020
Pages (from-to)29-30
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Hybrid Development Methods
  • Software Development Practices
  • Process Customization
  • Synergetic Practices
  • Online Survey Analysis


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