Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal

Espen Aarseth, Anthony Bean, Rune Kristian Lundedal Nielsen, Huub Boon, Michelle Carras, Mark Coulson, Dimitri Das, Jory Deleuze, Elza Dunkels, Johan Edman, Chris Ferguson, Maria Haagsma, Karin Bergmark, Zaheer Hussain, Jeroen Jansz, Daniel Kardefelt-Winther, Lawrence Kutner, Patrick Markey, Nicole Prause, Andrew PrzybylskiThorsten Quandt, Adriano Schimmenti, Vladan Starcevic, Gabrielle Stutman, Jan van Looy, Antonius van Rooij

Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalComment/debateResearch


Concerns about problematic gaming behaviors deserve our full attention. However, we claim that it is far from clear that these problems can or should be attributed to a new disorder. The empirical basis for a Gaming Disorder proposal, such as in the new ICD-11, suffers from fundamental issues. Our main concerns are the low quality of the research base, the fact that the current operationalization leans too heavily on substance use and gambling criteria, and the lack of consensus on symptomatology and assessment of problematic gaming. The act of formalizing this disorder, even as a proposal, has negative medical, scientific, public-health, societal, and human rights fallout that should be considered. Of particular concern are moral panics around the harm of video gaming. They might result in premature application of diagnosis in the medical community and the treatment of abundant false-positive cases, especially for children and adolescents. Second, research will be locked into a confirmatory approach, rather than an exploration of the boundaries of normal versus pathological. Third, the healthy majority of gamers will be affected negatively. We expect that the premature inclusion of Gaming Disorder as a diagnosis in ICD-11 will cause significant stigma to the millions of children who play video games as a part of a normal, healthy life. At this point, suggesting formal diagnoses and categories is premature: the ICD-11 proposal for Gaming Disorder should be removed to avoid a waste of public health resources as well as to avoid causing harm to healthy video gamers around the world.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Behavioral Addictions
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2016


  • Problematic Gaming Behaviors
  • Gaming Disorder Proposal
  • ICD-11
  • Substance Use and Gambling Criteria
  • Moral Panics in Gaming
  • Public Health Implications
  • Diagnosis and Symptomatology
  • Video Gaming Stigma
  • False-Positive Diagnoses
  • Children and Adolescents in Gaming


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