Sammen, hver for sig: universitetsstuderendes læringsstrategier under COVID19-nedlukningen

Mikkel Hvidtfeldt Andersen, Rikke Gammeltoft Gerwien, Aske Kammer

    Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    This article examines how university students handled the transition to digital teaching and learning during the COVID19 lockdown of Danish society in the spring of 2020. With a theoretical grounding in especially Wenger's conceptual apparatus (1998) about communities of practice and learning trajectories, we ask what strategies the students used to deal with the absence of the normal physical learning space. The empirical material of the study consists of qualitative interviews (all conducted during the lockdown) with 23 students from all study programmes and study years at the IT University of Copenhagen. The students used platforms like Facebook, Discord and Zoom to establish replacements for the lost physical learning spaces. However, the analysis shows that while students with existing academic or social relationships with fellow students generally succeeded in forming communities of practice, most students only had fleeting relationships across platforms or even experienced loneliness and resignation. In conclusion, we discuss relationships and overlaps between teaching communities, study communities and support communities during the COVID19 lockdown.
    Original languageDanish
    JournalLæring og Medier
    Issue number23
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2020


    • Digital teaching
    • COVID-19 lockdown
    • Communities of practice
    • Learning trajectories
    • University students

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