Review for future research in digital leadership

Raluca-Alexandra Byskov Stana, Louise Harder Fischer, Hanne Westh Nicolajsen

    Research output: Contribution to conference - NOT published in proceeding or journalPaperResearchpeer-review


    Information Technology (IT) enables challenges and opportunities for how enterprises organize themselves and how work unfolds in digital settings. The changes in technology, work, organizations, and humans’ mindset, call for new ways to discuss leadership. In these new digital settings, traditional leadership no longer holds. Instead, new forms of digital leadership are needed. In this paper we review the IS research perspective on digital leadership. We conduct a systematic literature review combined with a hermeneutical approach. We compare the findings from our literature review with a theoretical lens inspired by e-leadership. We find that IS research has an exclusive scope on strategic implications, leaving out topics such as followership and emotions. On the other hand, IS research contributes with exactly these issues of strategic leadership and
    business transformation to the digital leadership discussion. We contribute
    to IS research by defining digital leadership, proposing a theoretical lens of
    three levels of analysis of digital leadership, as well as paths for future
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication dateAug 2018
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018
    EventInformation Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia (IRIS41) - Århus, Denmark
    Duration: 5 Aug 20188 Aug 2018


    ConferenceInformation Systems Research Conference in Scandinavia (IRIS41)
    Internet address


    • Leadership
    • Information Systems
    • literature review


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