Referencehåndtering med Mendeley: mellem organisering, skrivning og samarbejde

Mikkel Hvidtfeldt Andersen

    Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Reference management software have existed for some time, but haveregained relevance in the wake for web 2.0. From being digital tools for automating the tiresome work of citing sources, they are today multifaceted applications with reading, production and sharing functionalities. In spite a vast amount of material introducing and comparing reference management software on a technical basis, there is a surprising lack of studies interested in learning aspects. With the software Mendeley as case, this article discusseshow reference management software can be applied as learning and research tools, not solely to increase workflows efficiency. It’s debated Mendeley can support; 1. Organizing and rearticulating of research questions and frameworks; 2. How co-creation is facilitated via joint collections; and 3. How thinking about textual relations can be strengthened by diminishing the distance between own and others’ texts. It is concluded that Mendeley has potential to support regular scientific activities such as knowledge construction, production and sharing, with literature as its fulcrum.
    Original languageDanish
    JournalLæring og Medier
    Number of pages19
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Reference management software
    • Web 2.0
    • Mendeley
    • Knowledge construction
    • Digital tools in research

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