Quad Ropes: Immutable, Declarative Arrays with Parallelizable Operations

Florian Biermann, Peter Sestoft

Research output: Conference Article in Proceeding or Book/Report chapterArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


We describe the quad rope data structure, a representation of immutable two-dimensional arrays that avoids many of the performance pitfalls of plain C-style two-dimensional arrays. Our motivation is that, for end-user development in high-level declarative programming languages, it is impractical to let users choose between different array-like data structures. Instead, one should use the same, somewhat performance-robust, representation for every programming task. Quad ropes roughly retain array efficiency, as long as programmers express their programs using high-level constructs. Moreover, they allow for fast concatenation and dynamic task-based parallelism and are well suited to represent sparse arrays. We describe their operational semantics and evaluate the performance of individual functions on quad ropes as well as declarative algorithms that use our quad rope implementation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 4th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming : ARRAY 2017
Number of pages8
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Publication date18 Jun 2017
ISBN (Print)978-1-4503-5069-3
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2017
EventACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 18 Jun 201723 Jun 2017
Conference number: 4


WorkshopACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming
Internet address


  • Quad Rope Data Structure
  • Immutable Arrays
  • High-Level Declarative Programming
  • Sparse Arrays
  • Dynamic Parallelism


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