Progress as Compositional Lock-Freedom

Marco Carbone, Ornela Dardha, Fabrizio Montesi

Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalConference articleResearchpeer-review


A session-based process satisfies the progress property if its sessions never get stuck when it is executed in an adequate context. Previous work studied how to define progress by introducing the notion of catalysers, execution contexts generated from the type of a process. In this paper, we refine such definition to capture a more intuitive notion of context adequacy for checking progress. Interestingly, our new catalysers lead to a novel characterisation of progress in terms of the standard notion of lock-freedom. Guided by this discovery, we also develop a conservative extension of catalysers that does not depend on types, generalising the notion of progress to untyped session-based processes. We combine our results with existing techniques for lock-freedom, obtaining a new methodology for proving progress. Our methodology captures new processes wrt previous progress analysis based on session types.
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Pages (from-to)49-64
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Progress property
  • Session-based processes
  • Catalysers
  • Lock-freedom
  • Context adequacy


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