Practicing what we preach? Reflecting on environmental sustainable research practices of the IS community

Johann Kranz, Roman Zeiss, Roman Beck, Roya Gholami, Saonee Sarker, Richard T. Watson, Edgar A. Whitley

    Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Over the past decade, research on IS solutions for environmental sustainability evolved and produced a modest but firm body of knowledge. Despite this progressive understanding about ICT’s solution potential for environmental sustainability, our research practices seem widely unaffected by these insights. Most of us travel by air for work several times a year, to conferences, research stays, or guest lectures. Our community meetings do not seem well aligned with ecological goals. We research and apply technologies, such as blockchain or artificial intelligence, without sufficiently acknowledging the enormous amounts of energy they consume. It raises the fundamental question: Do we practice what we preach? While recognizing the good intentions IS research pursues, should we no longer ignore the environmental ‘elephant in the room’? In this inclusive panel discussion, we openly debate these issues. Thereby, we intend to capture the status-quo of the sustainability of our research practices and develop recommendations on how to improve it and ways of measuring the carbon footprint of some key activities.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalProceedings / European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


    • Environmental sustainability
    • Research practices


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