Parametric Tool to Generate 3D Printable PneuNet Bending Actuator Molds

Jonas Jørgensen

Research output: Other contributionNet publication - Internet publicationEducationpeer-review


This documentation set contains a parametric file that can be used to generate an STL file for 3D printing a mold to cast a PneuNet bending actuator with any desired dimensions. The tool can be used to design molds for custom actuators for a specific usage. Or it can be used as a part of teaching, to have students conduct their own experiments on characterizing PneuNet actuators of different geometries.
Translated title of the contributionParametrisk værktøj til at generere 3D-printbare PneuNet bøjeaktuator-forme
Original languageEnglish
Publication date23 Oct 2018
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2018


  • soft robotics


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