On Purpose and by Necessity: Compliance under the GDPR

David Basin, Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt

Research output: Conference Article in Proceeding or Book/Report chapterArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives primacy to purpose: Data may be collected and stored only when (i) end-users have consented, often explicitly, to the purposes for which that data is collected, and (ii) the collected data is actually necessary for achieving these purposes. This development in data protection regulations begets the question: how do we audit a computer system's adherence to a purpose?
We propose an approach that identies a purpose with a business process,
and show how formal models of interprocess communication can be used
to audit or even derive privacy policies. Based on this insight, we propose
a methodology for auditing GDPR compliance. Moreover, we show how
given a simple interprocess data ow model, aspects of GDPR compliance
can be determined algorithmically.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFinancial Cryptography and Data Security. 22nd International Conference, FC 2018, Nieuwpoort, Curaçao, February 26 – March 2, 2018,
Publication date2018
ISBN (Print)978-3-662-58386-9
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-662-58387-6
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventFinancial Cryptography and Data Security - Nieuwpoort, Curaçao
Duration: 26 Feb 2018 → …


ConferenceFinancial Cryptography and Data Security
Period26/02/2018 → …
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science


  • GDPR Compliance
  • Privacy Policy Auditing
  • Business Process Modeling
  • Interprocess Communication
  • Data Protection Regulation


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