Moody Music Generator: Characterising Control Parameters Using Crowdsourcing.

Marco Scirea, Julian Togelius, Mark Nelson

Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalConference articleResearchpeer-review


We characterise the expressive effects of a music generator capable of varying its moods through two control parameters. The two control parameters were constructed on the basis of existing work on valence and arousal in music, and intended to provide control over those two mood factors. In this paper we conduct a listener study to determine how people actually perceive the various moods the generator can produce.
Rather than directly attempting to validate that our two control param-
eters represent arousal and valence, instead we conduct an open-ended study to crowd-source labels characterising different parts of this two-
dimensional control space. Our aim is to characterise perception of the generator’s expressive space, without constraining listeners’ responses to labels specifically aimed at validating the original arousal/valence moti-
vation. Subjects were asked to listen to clips of generated music over the Internet, and to describe the moods with free-text labels. We find that the arousal parameter does roughly map to perceived arousal, but that the nominal “valence” parameter has strong interaction with the arousal parameter, and produces different effects in different parts of the con-
trol space. We believe that the characterisation methodology described here is general and could be used to map the expressive range of other parameterisable generators.
Original languageEnglish
Book seriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Pages (from-to)200-211
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event4th International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 8 Apr 201510 Apr 2015


Conference4th International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design
Internet address


  • Music generator
  • Expressive effects
  • Mood control parameters
  • Valence and arousal
  • Perception study


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