Levels of processing and Eye Movements: A Stimulus driven approach

Fiona Bríd Mulvey

    Research output: Book / Anthology / Report / Ph.D. thesisPh.D. thesis


    The aim of this research is to investigate the explication of levels of attention
    through eye movement parameters. Previous research from disparate
    fields have suggested that eye movements are related to cognitive processing,
    however, the exact nature of the relationship is unclear. Since eye
    movements can be controlled either by bottom up stimulus properties or by
    top down cognitive control, studies have compared eye movements in real
    world tasks and searched for indicators of cognitive load or level of attention
    when task demands increase. Extracting the effects of cognitive processing
    on eye movements from the effect of the changing nature of the stimulus
    is difficult. Characterising and confirming the parameters of levels of processing
    in eye movements requires measures with the explicit intention of
    systematically varying task demands while also taking account of individual
    differences. This series of studies attempts to provide explanatory information
    for previous findings that saccade amplitude and fixation duration are
    indicative of levels of processing and to isolate top down influences on eye
    movements with a stimulus driven approach. This approach involves developing
    measures suitable for studying individual differences in attention in
    large sample groups, using stimulus pairs which are similar in terms of bottom
    up properties but different in terms of higher level processing. These
    methods are presented in study 1, stimuli are developed and tested in Study
    2. Study 3 uses these stimuli to investigate individual differences in levels
    of processing within the normal population using existing constructs and
    tests of cognitive style. Study 4 investigates these stimuli and the eye movements
    of a clinical group with known interruption to the dorsal stream of
    processing, and subsequent isolated difficulty with certain aspects of visual
    cognition. Results are presented in terms of the development of methods
    for assessing and tracking individual differences in cognition and subjective
    attentional states in real time through eye movement analysis.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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