Domain-Specific Multimodeling

Anders Hessellund

    Research output: Book / Anthology / Report / Ph.D. thesisPh.D. thesis


    Enterprise systems are complex artifacts. They are hard to build, manage, understand,
    and evolve. Existing software development paradigms fail to properly address challenges
    such as system size, domain complexity, and software evolution when development
    is scaled to enterprise systems. We propose domain-specific multimodeling as a
    development paradigm to tackle these challenges in a language-oriented manner.
    The different concerns of a system are conceptually separated and made explicit as
    independent domain-specific languages. This approach increases productivity and
    quality by raising the overall level of abstraction. It does, however, also introduce a
    new problem of coordinating multiple different languages in a single system. We call
    this problem the coordination problem.
    In this thesis, we present the coordination method for domain-specific multimodeling
    that explicitly targets this coordination problem. By systematically identifying language
    interactions, we can specify a coordination model for the system. Specifically, we
    explicitly identify name bindings and references across language boundaries. We argue
    that such a coordination model facilitates consistency, navigation, and guidance during
    development with multiple languages. An evaluation of the method in two medium-sized
    case studies shows promising results
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherIT-Universitetet i København
    ISBN (Print)978-87-7949-196-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Enterprise Systems
    • Software Evolution
    • Domain-Specific Languages
    • Multimodeling
    • System Coordination


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