CONTEXT 2015 Doctorial Symposium: Proceedings of Doctoral Symposium of the 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT 2015)

Peter Eklund, rebekah wegener

Research output: Conference Article in Proceeding or Book/Report chapterPreface/postscriptResearchpeer-review


What is the CONTEXT 2015 Doctoral Symposium?

The CONTEXT 2015 Doctoral Symposium is an opportunity for doctoral researchers to showcase their work and discuss problems, challenges, and ideas in an open and collegial environment with expert feedback. The Doctoral Symposium is a workshop for doctoral researchers from all over the world who are in the early and middle phases of their research work (i.e., the symposium is not intended for those who are finished or nearly finished their research).

The goal of the Doctoral Symposium is to help doctoral researchers advance their research work by providing feedback and general advice in a constructive atmosphere. Doctoral researchers will present and discuss their research in a supportive atmosphere with other doctoral researchers and an international panel of established researchers that provide expert feedback. The workshop will take place on a single full day, Monday November 2, 2015, the day prior to the start of the main CONTEXT 2015 conference.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCEUR Workshop Proceedings
EditorsPeter Eklund, Rebekah Wegener
Place of PublicationAachen, Germany
PublisherCEUR Workshop Proceedings
Publication date17 Dec 2015
Publication statusPublished - 17 Dec 2015
SeriesCEUR Workshop Proceedings


  • Doctoral Symposium
  • Research Workshop
  • Early and Middle Phase Research
  • Expert Feedback
  • International Panel


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