Challenging industry conceptions with provotypes

Laurens Boer, Jared Donovan, Jacob Buur

    Research output: Journal Article or Conference Article in JournalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Design researchers have an important role to play when engaged with user-driven design projects in industry. Design researchers can craft ethnographic material to facilitate transfers of user-knowledge to industry, and demonstrate how this material can be used in the design of new products and services. However, ethnographic findings can reveal issues that are at tension with conceptions of the project members from industry. Other than brushing these tensions aside, we propose provotyping (provocative prototyping) as an approach to constructively build on them as a resource for change. Provotypes are ethnographically rooted, technically working, robust artefacts that deliberately challenge stakeholder conceptions by reifying and exposing tensions that surround a field of organizational interest. The daily and local experience of provotypes aim to stir dialectical processes of reflection on how conceptions currently are, and fuel the front end of a development process by speculating how conceptions could be different. In this article we start by making explicit the relation between provotypes, practices of critical design and organizational sense-making. We then illustrate through a multi-stakeholder project that concerned the field of indoor climate how provotypes facilitate transfers of user knowledge to industry, and how they contribute to the development of new products and services. We end by framing the role of the design researcher and discuss the politics that are inherent to design provocations.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalCoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)73-89
    Number of pages16
    Publication statusPublished - 10 May 2013


    • provotyping
    • participatory innovation
    • critical design
    • organisationalsense-making


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