Between engagement and information: Experimental urban media in the climate change debate

Jonas Fritsch, Martin Brynskov

Research output: Working paperResearch


This paper discusses the initial findings from a dual case study, describing two interactive urban installations and reflecting on their design and use. The two installations are Climate on the Wall, an interactive media facade, and CO2nfession/CO2mmitment, a video installation with user-generated content. Both were designed to contribute to the effort of making people in the city aware of the municipal goal of becoming CO2 neutral by the year 2030. They were designed as part of a larger exhibition to engage individual citizens in a concrete way towards the somewhat more abstract end: CO2 neutrality. In the paper we present the background for the work, describe the installations, report on initial findings regarding their use and reception, and, finally, outline what research agendas we plan to pursue in upcoming work.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationWorkshop on Digital Cities 6, Penn State
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Urban Installations
  • Interactive Media
  • Sustainability Awareness
  • CO2 Neutrality
  • User-Generated Content


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