Surveillance in Denmark

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This is the first Danish research project to investigate surveillance in the contexts of police work and the administration of housing communities. The project describes how surveillance practices and technologies are deployed, and it explores the implications for organizations and citizens.

    The project has its starting point in Science and Technology Studies (STS), in particular the notion of socio-technical practice. Thus, the project supports a developing theoretical interest within Surveillance Studies.

    The project consists of five interrelated subprojects:
    1) Closed circuit television (CCTV) in police work
    2) DNA in crime investigation
    3) Preventing crime in residential areas, with CCTV
    4) Mapping as surveillance strategy in marginalised residential areas
    5) Concepts, theories and ethics of surveillance.

    The project is a Danish contribution to the European COST action ISO0807, ‘Living in Surveillance Societies’..
    Effective start/end date01/09/201031/08/2013

    Collaborative partners


    • Surveillance & Society
    • Technology & Human Values
    • Science


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