Personal profile


Niclas Hedam is a dedicated security expert, focusing on safeguarding information, systems, and people against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. With significant technical experience and a deep passion for security and privacy, Niclas is committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical infrastructure in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Niclas successfully completed a PhD in Computer Science at the IT University of Copenhagen, where he specialised in data movement and hardware offload in modern data systems. His research led to the development of Delilah, the first publicly-described storage device capable of running eBPF, enabling database operations to be executed directly on computational storage hardware without requiring specialised software.

Niclas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Software Development and a Master’s degree in Computer Science with a specialisation in Information Security. His academic journey was marked by a drive to tackle challenges at the intersection of security and data systems, exploring ways to guarantee availability, integrity, and confidentiality in modern computational storage systems.

Currently, Niclas leverages his unique blend of research expertise and practical experience to contribute to a safer digital society. He is passionate about defending people’s data from ever-changing threats, protecting their privacy, and advancing the field of cybersecurity through innovation and collaboration.

Research areas

Niclas is interested in cross-disciplinary research between security and data systems. Key research interests include

  • Data Systems
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Computational Storage

Education/Academic qualification

Information Security, Master of Science in Computer Science, IT University of Copenhagen

201912 Aug 2022

Award Date: 12 Aug 2022

Software Development, Bachelor of Science, LSM-Tree on Open-Channel SSD, IT University of Copenhagen

201628 Jun 2019

Award Date: 28 Jun 2019

External positions

Intern, Samsung Semiconductor Denmark Research



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  • Delilah: Efficient eBPF Offload for Integrated Data Pipelines on Computational Storage

    Hedam, N., 25 Oct 2024, IT-Universitetet i København. 132 p. (ITU-DS; No. 228).

    Research output: Book / Anthology / Report / Ph.D. thesisPh.D. thesis

    Open Access
  • D6.3 Prototype and overview of data path optimizations and placement

    Bonnet, P., Paradies, M., Pestka, C., Hedam, N. & Krause, A., 2023

    Research output: Book / Anthology / Report / Ph.D. thesisReportCommissioned

    Open Access
  • Delilah: eBPF-offload on Computational Storage

    Hedam, N., Clausen, M. T., Bonnet, P., Lee, S. & Larsen, K. F., 19 Jun 2023, International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DaMoN). Seattle, Washington, USA

    Research output: Conference Article in Proceeding or Book/Report chapterArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

    Open Access
  • D6.2 Prototype and Overview of Managed Storage Tiers and Near-Data Processing

    Bonnet, P., Paradies, M. & Hedam, N., 2022

    Research output: Book / Anthology / Report / Ph.D. thesisReportCommissioned

    Open Access
  • DAPHNE: An Open and Extensible System Infrastructure for Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines

    Damme, P., Birkenbach, M., Bitsakos, C., Boehm, M., Bonnet, P., Ciorba, F., Dokter, M., Dowgiallo, P., Eleliemy, A., Faerber, C., Goumas, G., Habich, D., Hedam, N., Hofer, M., Huang, W., Innerebner, K., Karakostas, V., Kern, R., Kosar, T. & Krause, A. & 22 others, Krems, D., Laber, A., Lehner, W., Mier, E., Paradies, M., Peischl, B., Poerwawinata, G., Psomadakis, S., Rabl, T., Ratuszniak, P., Silva, P., Skuppin, N., Starzacher, A., Steinwender, B., Tolovski, I., Tözün, P., Ulatowski, W., Wang, Y., Wrosz, I., Zamuda, A., Zhang, C. & Zhu, X. X., 9 Jan 2022, Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research. Santa Cruz, California, USA

    Research output: Conference Article in Proceeding or Book/Report chapterArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

    Open Access