6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Erik Grönvall with the persons below:
Jörn Christiansson
- https://en.itu.dk/Research/Research-Sections/Human-Computer-Interaction-and-Design - Associate Professor
- Co-Design
Person: VIP
Sara Marie Ertner
- Digitalization, Democracy, and Governance - Associate Professor
- Welfare Technology - Policy - People - Practices
- Center for Digital Welfare
- MSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies - Head of Study Programme
Person: VIP
Jonas Fritsch
- https://en.itu.dk/Research/Research-Sections/Human-Computer-Interaction-and-Design - Associate Professor
- Interaction Design Research Group
- Media, Art & Design
- Center for Climate IT
- AIR Lab - Academic responsible
Person: VIP
Anna Vallgårda
- https://en.itu.dk/Research/Research-Sections/Human-Computer-Interaction-and-Design - Head of Section
- Interaction Design Research Group - Head of Research Group
- Center for Climate IT
- IxD Lab
Person: VIP
Signe Louise Yndigegn
- Digitalization, Democracy, and Governance - Associate Professor
- Welfare Technology - Policy - People - Practices - Head of Research Group
- Center for Digital Welfare
- BSc in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies - Head of Study Programme
Person: VIP