Projects per year
- 1 - 25 out of 59 results
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Fra visuel procesdesign og kravspecifikation til fleksible digitale arbejdsgange
Hildebrandt, T. (PI) & Lauesen, S. (CoI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/04/2013 → 31/05/2014
Project: Research
Co-financed PhD scholarships for the FIRST Research School
Birkedal, L. (PI) & Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
01/01/2009 → 15/08/2013
Project: Research
DDC 2025-2027: De Danske Cybermesterskaber 2025-2027
Bruni, A. (PI)
01/11/2024 → 31/10/2027
Project: Research
Robust AI Algorithms for Network Traffic Analysis
Bruni, A. (PI)
01/11/2024 → 28/02/2027
Project: Research
GAINER: GrAdual sessIoN typEs for pRivacy
Carbone, M. (PI), Bruni, A. (CoI) & Ørup Kristensen, E. (CoI)
02/01/2023 → 31/05/2024
Project: Other
PROBABILIST: Probabilistic - Session Types and their Mechanisation
Carbone, M. (PI)
01/04/2025 → 30/10/2028
Project: Research
DemTech: Trustworthy Democratic Technology
Schürmann, C. (PI), Boulus-Rødje, N. (CoI), Gad, C. (CoI), Kiniry, J. R. (CoI), Markussen, R. (CoI), Gustafsson, D. (CoI), Wang, J. (CoI), Vadgaard, A. K. P. (CoI), Murawska, A. A. (CoI) & Bock, P. B. (CoI)
01/07/2011 → 31/01/2018
Project: Research
MECHANIST: MECHANIsation of Session typEs
Carbone, M. (PI), Bengtson, J. (CoPI) & Tirore, D. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/09/2021 → 28/02/2025
Project: Research
DIREC: Digital Research Centre Denmark
Godskesen, J. C. (PI), Barkhuus, L. (PI), Bonnet, P. (PI), Brabrand, C. (PI), Schürmann, C. (PI), Sekara, V. (PI), David, B. M. (PI), Husfeldt, T. (PI), Curticapean, R.-C. (PI), Limaye, N. (PI), Aumüller, M. (PI), Jacob, R. (PI), Risi, S. (PI), Wasowski, A. (PI), Birch Okkels, C. (CoI), Berthelsen, K. H. (CoI), Larsen, M. K. (CoI), Schmidt, M. D. (CoI) & Ghaffari, M. (CoI)
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2025
Project: Research
EliteForsk travel grant
Christiani, T. L. (PI) & Pagh, R. (PI)
Ministeriet for Børn og Undervisning
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Data Driven Decision Making In Public Transportation
Frellsen, J. (PI)
01/03/2018 → 28/02/2021
Project: Research
Tensor network algorithms for large scale learning and simulation
Kastoryano, M. (PI) & Limaye, N. (CoI)
01/03/2023 → 02/03/2023
Project: Research
DIREC: Bias and Benefit of Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Aumüller, M. (PI) & Barkhuus, L. (CoI)
01/08/2022 → 01/10/2025
Project: Research
QIDES: Tensor Network algorithms in Finance and engineering
Kastoryano, M. (PI), Vinther, J. (CoI), Silva Arenstein, L. (CoI) & Loeschcke, S. (CoI)
01/05/2023 → 30/06/2024
Project: Research
GOOGLELOWNLP: Probing sound for better low-resource NLP
Hardmeier, C. (CoI), Schluter, N. (PI), Sasu, D. (CoI) & Ulmer, D. T. (CoI)
01/01/2020 → 14/08/2025
Project: Other
CFIR: Innovationsnetværket for FinansIT
Sestoft, P. (PI), Dittrich, Y. (CoI), Beck, R. (CoI) & Hildebrandt, T. (CoI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01/09/2014 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
DISTRUST: Distributed business process execution under partial trust
Jacob, R. (PI), Debois, S. (PI) & Haagensen, F. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/07/2020 → 30/06/2025
Project: Research
Type theories for reactive programming
Møgelberg, R. E. (PI), Vezzosi, A. (CoI), Graulund, C. U. (CoI), Kristensen, M. B. (CoI) & Veltri, N. (CoI)
22/01/2016 → 21/01/2022
Project: Research
Guarded recursive types in the foundations of programming
Møgelberg, R. E. (PI), Mannaa, B. (CoI) & Bahr, P. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/07/2015 → 31/01/2019
Project: Research
Interaktive træningsteknologier i kommunal genoptræning af hofte og apopleksipatienter
Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Danish Public Welfare Technology Foundation
01/10/2010 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Digitalising the General Data Protection Regulation
Hildebrandt, T. (PI) & Normann, H. (CoI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/01/2017 → 31/05/2017
Project: Research
Intelligent Alarmbehandling
Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/02/2017 → 31/05/2017
Project: Research
SAPienT: Safer AI with Probabilistic Session Types
Carbone, M. (PI)
01/02/2024 → 30/06/2024
Project: Research