Projects per year
- 24 results
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A Formal Model for Declarative Workflows - Dynamic Condition Response Graphs
Mukkamala, R. R. (PI)
Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
01/01/2009 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research
TRUSTCARE: Trustworthy Pervasive Healthcare Services
Hildebrandt, T. (PI), Bardram, J. (CoI), Mukkamala, R. R. (CoI) & Bunde-Pedersen, J. (CoI)
Danish Council for Strategic Research
01/01/2008 → 30/06/2012
Project: Research
GAMESS: GAMification and Education for Secure Software
Bruni, A. (PI), Kulyk, O. (PI) & Rafnsson, W. (PI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01/04/2023 → 31/10/2024
Project: Research
Meta-CLF2: Automated verification of properties of concurrent, distributed and parallel specifications with applications to computer security
Schürmann, C. (PI), Bruni, A. (CoI) & Marin, S. (CoI)
01/03/2016 → 01/03/2019
Project: Research
Cyberskills: Youth Community in Cybersecurity
Bruni, A. (PI), Barkhuus, L. (CoI), Schürmann, C. (CoI) & Balle, M. L. (CoI)
01/08/2020 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Computer Supported Mobile Adaptive Business Processes
Hildebrandt, T. (PI), Bundgaard, M. (CoI), Glenstrup, A. J. (CoI), Carbone, M. (CoI), Højsgaard, E. (CoI) & Nilsson, M. (CoI)
Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
01/01/2007 → 01/10/2012
Project: Research
Interaktive træningsteknologier i kommunal genoptræning af hofte og apopleksipatienter
Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Danish Public Welfare Technology Foundation
01/10/2010 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
Intelligent Alarmbehandling
Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/02/2017 → 31/05/2017
Project: Research
Digitalising the General Data Protection Regulation
Hildebrandt, T. (PI) & Normann, H. (CoI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/01/2017 → 31/05/2017
Project: Research
SAPienT: Safer AI with Probabilistic Session Types
Carbone, M. (PI)
01/02/2024 → 30/06/2024
Project: Research
Jingling Genie: Context-Sensitive Services Developed in Global Collaboration
Staunstrup, J. (PI), Hildebrandt, T. (CoI), Stald, G. B. (CoI) & Hansen, J. P. (CoI)
Danish Council for Strategic Research
01/01/2009 → 31/12/2013
Project: Research
VARIETE: Variability in Portfolios of Dependable Systems
Wasowski, A. (PI), Abal, I. (CoI), Mukkamala, R. R. (CoI), Al-Sibahi, A. S. (CoI), Dimovski, A. (CoI) & Iosif-Lazăr, A. F. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/04/2013 → 31/08/2017
Project: Research
Type theories for reactive programming
Møgelberg, R. E. (PI), Vezzosi, A. (CoI), Graulund, C. U. (CoI), Kristensen, M. B. (CoI) & Veltri, N. (CoI)
22/01/2016 → 21/01/2022
Project: Research
ProSec: Cyber security and ICT Infrastructure with importance to crucial functions in Denmark - Mapping Emergency and Security Processes in the Danish Energy and Public Transport Sectors and their Dependency on ICT
Hildebrandt, T. (PI) & Debois, S. (CoI)
01/07/2015 → 31/12/2016
Project: Research
Fra visuel procesdesign og kravspecifikation til fleksible digitale arbejdsgange
Hildebrandt, T. (PI) & Lauesen, S. (CoI)
Innovationsnetværk for IT - InfinIT
01/04/2013 → 31/05/2014
Project: Research
Co-financed PhD scholarships for the FIRST Research School
Birkedal, L. (PI) & Hildebrandt, T. (PI)
Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
01/01/2009 → 15/08/2013
Project: Research
GAINER: GrAdual sessIoN typEs for pRivacy
Carbone, M. (PI), Bruni, A. (CoI) & Ørup Kristensen, E. (CoI)
02/01/2023 → 31/05/2024
Project: Other
DemTech: Trustworthy Democratic Technology
Schürmann, C. (PI), Boulus-Rødje, N. (CoI), Gad, C. (CoI), Kiniry, J. R. (CoI), Markussen, R. (CoI), Gustafsson, D. (CoI), Wang, J. (CoI), Vadgaard, A. K. P. (CoI), Murawska, A. A. (CoI) & Bock, P. B. (CoI)
01/07/2011 → 31/01/2018
Project: Research
EUTYPES: The European research network on types for programming and verification
Møgelberg, R. E. (PI), Graulund, C. U. (CoI) & Veltri, N. (CoI)
21/03/2016 → 20/03/2020
Project: Research
Guarded recursive types in the foundations of programming
Møgelberg, R. E. (PI), Mannaa, B. (CoI) & Bahr, P. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/07/2015 → 31/01/2019
Project: Research
CFIR: Innovationsnetværket for FinansIT
Sestoft, P. (PI), Dittrich, Y. (CoI), Beck, R. (CoI) & Hildebrandt, T. (CoI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01/09/2014 → 31/12/2018
Project: Research
Agile modeller af forretningsregler og -processer der kan visualiseres og simuleres ud fra forskellige perspektiver (Kunde, forretning, og IT)
Hildebrandt, T. (PI), Debois, S. (CoI), Slaats, T. (CoI) & Sestoft, P. (CoI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
26/02/2015 → 31/05/2015
Project: Research