- 29 results
Search results
Maria Sinziiana Astefanoaei
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Assistant Professor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
- Center for Climate IT
Person: VIP
Nicolas Hugo Bessone
Person: VIP
Sebastian Büttrich
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Special Adviser
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Veronika Cheplygina
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Associate Professor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Bailey Dacre
Person: VIP
Andres Faina
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Associate Professor
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- The Maritime Hub
- REAL Lab - Academic responsible
Person: VIP
Morten Roed Frederiksen
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Assistant Professor
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- REAL Lab
- AIR Lab
Person: VIP
Rodrigo Moreno Garcia
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Assistant Professor
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- REAL Lab
Person: VIP
Djordje Grbic
- Play, Culture, and AI - Associate Professor
- Creative AI Lab
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- The Maritime Hub
- REAL Lab
Person: VIP
Martin Hentschel
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Associate Professor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Jonas Haugaard Jensen
Person: VIP
Zoi Kaoudi
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Associate Professor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Xiao Li
Person: VIP
Yucheng Lu
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Postdoc
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications - Postdoc
Person: VIP
Juri Petersen
Person: VIP
Sebastian Risi
- Play, Culture, and AI - Professor
- Creative AI Lab - Head of Research Group
- Machine Learning
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- REAL Lab
Person: VIP
Kasper Støy
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Professor
- Machine Learning
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab - Head of Research Group
- The Maritime Hub
Person: VIP
Pinar Tözün
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Head of Section
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications - Head of Research Group
- Center for Climate IT
- DASYA - Academic responsible
Person: VIP
Eleni Tzirita Zacharatou
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Assistant Professor
- Data-intensive Systems and Applications
Person: VIP
Payam Zahadat
- Data, Systems, and Robotics - Associate Professor
- Robotics, Evolution, and Art Lab
- The Maritime Hub
- REAL Lab
Person: VIP