Projects per year
- 1 - 25 out of 73 results
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MultiSkill: Multilingual information extraction for job market analysis
Plank, B. (PI), Zhang, M. (CoI) & Sonniks, S. D. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/09/2020 → 29/02/2024
Project: Research
ROMNET: Past social network reconstruction from material culture data
Coscia, M. (PI)
11/03/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
IC2S2: International Conference on Computational Social Science
Aiello, L. M. (PI)
17/02/2023 → 01/10/2023
Project: Research
IC2S2: International Conference on Computational Social Science
Aiello, L. M. (PI)
Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA)
01/02/2023 → 01/07/2023
Project: Research
Samfinansieret ph.d. Politiet
Coscia, M. (PI)
National Enhed for Særlig Kriminalitet
15/08/2024 → 14/08/2028
Project: Research
Eliteforsk travel grant
Justesen, N. O. (PI) & Risi, S. (PI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01/01/2018 → 31/12/2019
Project: Research
Exhibition Designer
Løvlie, A. S. (PI), Ibsen, P. (Admin), Oppermann, N. (Admin), Jensen, J. M. (CoI) & Vanggaard, F. B. (CoI)
01/03/2024 → 28/02/2025
Project: Research
STELLAR: Super Turing Evolving Lifelong Learning ARchitecture
Risi, S. (PI) & Grbic, D. (CoI)
Federal Business Opportunities
12/07/2018 → 15/12/2021
Project: Research
Improving Marketing Mix Decisions Through Interactive Bayesian Optimization
Risi, S. (PI) & Löwe, M. K. K. (CoI)
01/09/2018 → 31/08/2021
Project: Research
PlagAIrism: Getting generative AI to provide references to its training data
Rogers, A. (PI)
01/05/2024 → 30/06/2029
Project: Research
XTREME: Extended Reality Environment for Immersive Experience of Art and Music
Brandt, S. (PI), Sivertsen, C. (CoI), Starostka, J. (CoI) & Harshit, H. (CoI)
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2026
Project: Research
Understøttelse af akademisk læsning med digitale værktøjer
Barkhuus, L. (PI) & Inie, N. (CoI)
13/06/2019 → 31/03/2020
Project: Research
DIREC : Understanding Biases and Diversity of Big Data used for Mobility Analysis
Sekara, V. (PI) & Barkhuus, L. (CoI)
01/07/2022 → 01/07/2023
Project: Research
Eyes4ICU: Eyes for Information, Communication, and Understanding
Hansen, D. W. (PI) & Kovacs, D.-L. (CoI)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2026
Project: Research
VISCOM: Udvikling af instrumenter til måling af visuelle symptomer ved hjernerystelse
Hansen, D. W. (PI), Eskildsen, A. M. (CoI) & Kovacs, D.-L. (CoI)
The Danish Ministry of Justice
01/09/2022 → 30/11/2023
Project: Research
TinyGPT: Robust and Data-efficient Natural Language Processing
Rogers, A. (PI), Sestoft, P. (CoI) & Müller-Eberstein, M. (Collaborator)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/02/2024 → 01/02/2026
Project: Research
Derczynski, L. (PI)
Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA)
01/09/2022 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research
DANGER: Demens ANalyse af ALS Gennem Eye TRacking
Hansen, D. W. (PI), Madsen, I. J. W. (CoI) & Kovacs, D.-L. (CoI)
Aage og Johann Louis-Hansens Fond
01/01/2021 → 31/12/2027
Project: Research
Samfinansieret PhD'er med KU - AI Pioneer Center
Sestoft, P. (PI), Larsen, A. W. (CoI) & Iarygina, O. (CoI)
01/10/2022 → 30/09/2026
Project: Research
GOOGLELOWNLP: Probing sound for better low-resource NLP
Hardmeier, C. (CoI), Schluter, N. (PI), Sasu, D. (CoI) & Ulmer, D. T. (CoI)
01/01/2020 → 14/08/2025
Project: Other
FloraRobotica: Societies of Symbiotic Robot-plant Bio-Hybrids as social Architectural Artifacts
Støy, K. (PI), Veenstra, F. (CoI), Zahadat, P. (CoI), Nielsen, S. A. (CoI), Blichfeldt, T. (CoI), Schmidt, M. (CoI) & Risi, S. (PI)
01/04/2015 → 31/03/2019
Project: Research
DEEP: Deep neural network based physical response prediction using correlated patterns in dynamic sensor input for adaptive robots
Frederiksen, M. R. (PI) & Støy, K. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/04/2022 → 01/04/2024
Project: Research
DIREC: Digital Research Centre Denmark
Godskesen, J. C. (PI), Barkhuus, L. (PI), Bonnet, P. (PI), Brabrand, C. (PI), Schürmann, C. (PI), Sekara, V. (PI), David, B. M. (PI), Husfeldt, T. (PI), Curticapean, R.-C. (PI), Limaye, N. (PI), Aumüller, M. (PI), Jacob, R. (PI), Risi, S. (PI), Wasowski, A. (PI), Birch Okkels, C. (CoI), Berthelsen, K. H. (CoI), Larsen, M. K. (CoI), Schmidt, M. D. (CoI) & Ghaffari, M. (CoI)
01/10/2020 → 30/09/2025
Project: Research
DISTRUST: Distributed business process execution under partial trust
Jacob, R. (PI), Debois, S. (PI) & Haagensen, F. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/07/2020 → 30/06/2025
Project: Research