Projects per year
- 22 results
Search results
Age Integrated Housing and Neighbourhoods
Ertner, S. M. (PI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/02/2024 → 30/01/2026
Project: Research
AI Denmark: Implementering af kunstig intelligens i danske virksomheder
Winthereik, B. R. (PI) & Sandbukt, S. (CoI)
01/10/2020 → 30/06/2022
Project: Research
Ensomhed og anvendelse af digitale teknologier blandt ældre borgere under Covid-19
Yndigegn, S. L. (PI), Hjelholt, M. (CoI) & Brejnrod, S. K. (CoI)
01/06/2020 → 01/06/2021
Project: Research
NORDICFAB: Speculating and intervening in Nordic Technological Wellbeing Imaginaries
Tsaknaki, V. (PI), Boer, L. (CoI) & Jenkins, T. (CoI)
01/01/2023 → 31/12/2024
Project: Research
DIGI-FRONT: Transnational Collaboration at the Digital Fontier: Knowledge travel across borders in the public sector digitalisation
Papazu, I. (PI), Perriam, J. (CoI), Pedersen, T. (CoI) & Henrichsen, R. M. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/07/2023 → 31/01/2027
Project: Research
Managing Uncertainty in Disaster Risk Reduction – An Ethnography of Data Practices in Ghana’s Emergency Preparedness and Early Intervention Infrastructure
Cakici, B. (PI) & Thiel, A. (PI)
01/09/2023 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research
Integrated Data for ESG Analytics (IDEA) for Fintech
Wang, C. (PI), Oppermann, N. (Admin), Ibsen, P. (Admin), Dittrich, Y. (CoI) & Jiang, Q. (CoI)
01/02/2023 → 31/12/2023
Project: Research
Digital surveillance: Unpacking the contention between openness and security in the Nordic countries: digital public surveillance practices at state borders
Galis, V. (PI), Vlassis, V.-S. (CoI) & Rasmussen, L. (CoI)
Future Challenges in the Nordics
01/07/2022 → 31/08/2026
Project: Other
EnJUSTICE - Transformative environmental justice
Galis, V. (PI) & Struthers, D. (CoI)
31/12/2024 → 31/12/2028
Project: Research
S:I: Senior:Interaction
Malmborg, L. (CoI), Sokoler, T. (PI) & Yndigegn, S. L. (CoI)
Danish Council for Strategic Research
01/10/2009 → 01/09/2012
Project: Research
DaR: Data as Relation: Governance in the age of big data
Winthereik, B. R. (PI), Gad, C. (PI), Elam, M. (CoI), Cohn, M. (CoI), Hjelholt, M. (CoI), Douglas-Jones, R. (CoI), Rossi, L. (CoI), Neumayer, C. (CoI), Jørgensen, B. (CoI), Schou, J. (CoI), Burnett, J. M. (CoI), Hockenhull, M. (CoI), Maguire, J. (CoI), Pedersen, L. R. (CoI), Papazu, I. (CoI), Salling, C. A. (CoI), Gahoonia, S. K. (CoI), Ojala, M. (CoI) & Enslev, L. (CoI)
11/03/2016 → 10/03/2021
Project: Research
Deltagelsens grammatik: Hvad kan vi lære af den øjeblikkelige og gennemgribende digitalisering af hverdagslivet under coronakrisen?
Winthereik, B. R. (PI) & Nino Carreras, B. P. (CoI)
01/04/2020 → 01/12/2020
Project: Research
STAY HOME: Hjemmet under coronakrisen - og bagefter
Winthereik, B. R. (PI) & de Neergaard, K. S. P. (CoI)
01/06/2020 → 31/08/2025
Project: Research
Data i professionsudøvelsen
Papazu, I. (PI) & Rasmussen, K. F. (CoI)
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
01/01/2021 → 30/06/2022
Project: Research
DIGT: Democratic Innovations in a Green Transition
Papazu, I. (PI), Henrichsen, R. M. (CoI) & Veng, A. (CoI)
Independent Research Fund Denmark
01/01/2021 → 31/10/2024
Project: Research
Development of Education on ESG Data governance in Fintech startup (DEED-Fintech)
Oppermann, N. (Admin), Wang, C. (PI), Dittrich, Y. (CoI) & Jiang, Q. (CoI)
15/02/2024 → 31/12/2024
Project: Education
DecouplingIT: A Global Comparative Ethnography of the Role of IT in the Mitigation of the Climate Crisis
Dalsgaard, S. (PI), Wang, C. (CoI), Ahsan, H. (CoI), Maguire, J. (CoI), Santos da Costa, P. (CoI), Hansen, C. B. N. (CoI), Figueiredo, F. S. (CoI) & Guo, V. (CoI)
01/11/2022 → 31/10/2027
Project: Research
CARE: Collaborative Analytics for Reporting ESG (CARE) in Fintech
Wang, C. (PI), Oppermann, N. (Admin), Ibsen, P. (Admin), Dittrich, Y. (CoI) & Jiang, Q. (CoI)
01/01/2022 → 31/12/2022
Project: Innovation
LevVel mødestedet
Malmborg, L. (PI), Sokoler, T. (PI) & Ertner, S. M. (CoI)
Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
01/01/2010 → 31/12/2012
Project: Research
Give&Take: Designing a reciprocal exchange service for a good and engaged senior life
Malmborg, L. (PI), Sokoler, T. (CoI), Borsotti, V. (CoI), Svanæs, D. (CoI), Grönvall, E. (CoI) & Yndigegn, S. L. (CoI)
01/05/2014 → 30/04/2017
Project: Research
UNDO: Understanding Nordic Digital Order
Galis, V. (PI) & Karlsson, B. (CoI)
01/09/2023 → 30/08/2027
Project: Research