Associate Professor at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, gives a presentation of her research on socio-technical controversies over the transition to renewable energy. Taking outset in her recent grants, the ERC Starting Grant “Good-by-Devicing – probing how value comes to matter in the energy transition” (2024-2028) and her Sapere Aude grant “The Expertise of Expectations, and the case of PtX” (2024-2027), Julia lays out her perspective on how the ‘good’ of energy transitions is construed and contested. Probing what she coins a ‘Sociology of Devicing’, she uses the cases of energy islands and Power-to-X (PtX) to expose the role and agency of powerful valuation devices developed and used by entrenched networks of expertise in orchestrating energy transitions, construing them as ‘good’ in particular ways. Julia critically exposes how essential devices/design tools have agency in determining which values and concerns come to count and matter (and which do not) for our energy future, which often lies at the root of local opposition and public controversy. While exposing entrenched networks of expertise and their agency, her research offers a hopeful account for potential experimentation with re-devicing the energy transition so broader concerns and values can come to matter in how we orchestrate wide-ranging transitions. This renders it possible to think how we could value energy otherwise, enhancing energy justice.Period | 27 Sept 2024 |
Event type | Conference |