Towards a (ludic) Resonant and Sensory Environment: Space, music and locative gaming

Luiz Adolfo Andrade

Publikation: Konferencebidrag - EJ publiceret i proceeding eller tidsskriftKonferenceabstrakt til konferenceFormidling


This paper discusses the relationship between locative games and music, using as reference the notions sound space, acoustic space and soundscape. The locative game genre reflects the opposite side considering the video game format: in this case, the actions leaks from screens and consoles to the urban space with the use of locative media, turning the city into support for the actions of the players. Our hypothesis argues that using music and other sound features (sounds, effects and so on), the locative game can create a resonant sensory environment caused by music and sound signs that are impregnated in the region. As methodology, we analysed the locative game GPS Musical Crosswords Puzzle from these concepts - sound space, acoustic space and soundscape - show how they can be designed from the experience in the locative games.
Publikationsdato28 sep. 2017
StatusUdgivet - 28 sep. 2017
Udgivet eksterntJa
BegivenhedCEEGS 2017 - Central and Eastern European Games Conference 2017 - Faculty of Social Studies, Trnava, Slovakiet
Varighed: 28 sep. 201730 sep. 2017


KonferenceCEEGS 2017 - Central and Eastern European Games Conference 2017
LokationFaculty of Social Studies


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