The real real agile mindset: Understanding that doing agile goes hand in hand with being agile

Louise Harder Fischer, Thomas Christian Stadager

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


    The adaption of agile methods in organizational context appears bridle. At the operational level, it refers to speed and iterations in product development and IT-projects. At the strategical level it refers to creating organizational ability to constant change course, while staying on track. Adopting an Agile Mindset is a deeper and more fundamental change that requires that the whole organization develop a deep understanding of its core purpose. Agile is often simplified and the essential characteristic and uniqueness with the agile is often lost. We claim that the reason why agile sometimes fails is a lack of understanding of the basic assumptions of the Agile Mindset and that it requires what we call the real real agile mindset that entails a deep understanding of doing agile, is caused by being agile. This has consequences for how to lead and manage the entire business, processes, planning, resource allocation and eventually how you structure your organization. In this conceptual paper, we foreground the basic assumptions beyond the agile mindset as described on two levels, the operational and the strategical.
    TitelThe Human in the projct
    RedaktørerPer Svejvig, Magnus R.P. Hansen
    Antal sider9
    ForlagRoskilde Universitetsforlag
    Publikationsdatomaj 2018
    ISBN (Trykt)978-87-980516-1-9
    StatusUdgivet - maj 2018
