title = "The Lacunae of Danish Natural Language Processing",
abstract = "Danish is a North Germanic language spoken principally in Denmark, a country with a long tradition of technological and scientific innovation. However, the language has received relatively little attention from a technological perspective. In this paper, we review Natural Language Processing (NLP) research, digital resources and tools which have been developed for Danish. We find that availability of models and tools is limited, which calls for work that lifts Danish NLP a step closer to the privileged languages. Dansk abstrakt: Dansk er et nordgermansk sprog, talt prim{\ae}rt i kongeriget Danmark, et land med st{\ae}rk tradition for teknologisk og videnskabelig innovation. Det danske sprog har imidlertid v{\ae}ret genstand for relativt begr{\ae}nset opm{\ae}rksomhed, teknologisk set. I denne artikel gennemg{\aa}r vi sprogteknologi-forskning, -ressourcer og -v{\ae}rkt{\o}jer udviklet for dansk. Vi konkluderer at der eksisterer et f{\aa}tal af modeller og v{\ae}rkt{\o}jer, hvilket indbyder til forskning som l{\o}fter dansk sprogteknologi i niveau med mere priviligerede sprog.",
keywords = "Danish language, , Natural Language Processing (NLP), , digital resources, , technological innovation, , linguistic tools",
author = "Kirkedal, {Andreas S{\o}eborg} and Barbara Plank and Leon Derczynski and Natalie Schluter",
year = "2019",
language = "English",
series = "NEALT (Northern European Association of Language Technology) Proceedings Series",
pages = "356–362",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (2019)",
publisher = "Link{\"o}ping University Electronic Press",