The DCR Workbench: Declarative Choreographies for Collaborative Processes

Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt

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The DCR Workbench is an online tool for simulation and analysis of collaborative distributed processes specified as DCR graphs. The Workbench is a robust and comprehensive implementation of DCR graphs, providing concrete syntax, specification by refinement, visualisation, simulation, static
analysis, time analysis, enforcement, declarative subprocesses, data dependencies, translation to other declarative models, and more. This chapter introduces the Workbench and, through the features of the Workbench, surveys the DCR formalism. The Workbench is available on-line at http:
TitelBehavioural Types: from Theory to Tools
RedaktørerSimon Gay, António Ravara
Antal sider26
ForlagRiver Publishers
Publikationsdato1 jun. 2017
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-93519-82-4
StatusUdgivet - 1 jun. 2017
NavnRiver Publishers Series in Automation, Control and Robotics


  • DCR Workbench
  • Collaborative distributed processes
  • DCR graphs
  • Simulation and analysis
  • Declarative subprocesses
  • Data dependencies
  • Formal specification
  • Time analysis
  • Visualisation
  • Static analysis


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