The Advancement of World Digital Cities

Mika Yasuoka, Toru Ishida, Alessandro Aurigi

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelBidrag til bog/antologiForskning


    This chapter reviews the advancement of several worldwide activities
    on regional information spaces empowered by advanced technologies such
    as sensors, information terminals, broadband networks and wireless
    networks. In the US and Canada, a large number of community networks
    supported by grass root activities appeared in the early 1990s. In
    Europe, more than one hundred digital cities have been tried, often
    supported by local government, central government and EU in the name
    of local digitalization. Asian countries have actively adopted the
    latest information technologies as a part of national initiatives. In
    the past 15 years since the first stage of digital cities, the
    development of the original digital cities has leveled off or
    stabilized. In spite of that, by looking back at the trajectory of
    digital cities, it is clear that digital environments in cities often
    benefit from the previous activities on regional information spaces.
    TitelHandbook of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments
    RedaktørerHideyuki Nakashima, Hamid Aghajan, Juan Carlos Augusto
    Antal sider30
    ForlagSpringer Science+Business Media
    ISBN (Trykt)978-0-387-93807-3
    StatusUdgivet - 2009


    • Regional Information Spaces
    • Advanced Technologies
    • Digital Cities
    • Community Networks
    • Information Terminals


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