Tengi Interfaces for Tracing between Heterogeneous Components

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Contemporary software systems comprise many heteroge- neous artifacts; some expressed in general programming languages, some in visual and textual domain-specific languages and some in ad hoc textual formats. During construction of a system diverse artifacts are interrelated. Only few formats, typically general programming languages, provide an interface description mechanism able to specify software com- ponent boundaries. Unfortunately, these interface mechanisms can not express relations for components containing heterogeneous artifacts.
We introduce Tengi, a tool that allows for the definition of software components containing heterogeneous artifacts. Tengi interfaces link components containing different textual and visual software development artifacts ranging from high-level specification documents to low-level implementation documents. We formally define and implement Tengi interfaces, a component algebra and operations on them and present a case study demonstrating Tengi’s capabilities.
BogserieLecture Notes in Computer Science
Sider (fra-til)431-447
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2012


  • Heterogeneous Artifacts
  • Software Component Boundaries
  • Interface Description Mechanism
  • Domain-Specific Languages
  • Component Algebra


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