Systematic Reuse and Ad Hoc Forking to Develop Software Variants

Stefan Stanciulescu

Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingPh.d.-afhandling


A common way to implement variability in C/C++ systems is to use preprocessor
annotations to allow software to be configurable. Source code is annotated
by developers, who can then use preprocessor tools to exclude or include code
fragments at compilation time. Although annotations such as #ifdef and #endif
increase efforts in maintenance, clutter the code, and challenge program comprehension,
they are easy to use, scalable, and therefore heavily used in practice.
An alternative for developing software variants is to reuse existing code by forking
an existing project. In its simplest form, forking is the process of copying
an existing project and then having complete freedom to modify the fresh copy.
This is a quick, effective, and common method used in open source and industrial
software projects because of its low costs. However, this method does not
scale and increases maintenance efforts due to multiple copies of the same artifacts
that need to be maintained in multiple places. In this dissertation I explore
the advantages and disadvantages of using these two techniques to develop software
variants in practice. The main goal is to understand how to leverage their
benefits while reducing the associated costs and issues. I analyze a complex
and popular 3D printer firmware and its community, to understand how variants
are developed using preprocessor annotations and forking. I explore the idea of
combining the two techniques to have the advantages of both, while reducing
some drawbacks. As a way to achieve this, I propose and show the feasibility of
a variation control system that combines and unifies the usage of preprocessor
annotations and forking, leveraging their benefits. Developers work on specific
projections (variants) of the code, make changes and push their changes back to
the repository. The variation control system also offers support for independent
development through forking. Often, forked variants need to be reintegrated into
an integrated platform, though it is not a trivial process. I argue that the integration
should be supported by specific tools that are not based on the classical diff
tools. To this end, I propose to abstract from code and lift the process to more
common integration intentions. To achieve this, I developed a set of generic
integration intentions that guide the developer through the integration process.
Developers have two views showing the differences between the mainline and
the forked variant, can make changes that they can see in those two views (while
the views are simultaneously synchronized), and can preview the result of their
changes and intentions in the preview view. This allows them to explore different
integration goals and quickly apply and undo intentions. Through a series of
simulations and a controlled experiment, I show that users using a specialized
tool do less mistakes compared to traditional merging tool, while they are using
just a few operations to achieve their integration goal.
ForlagIT-Universitetet i København
Antal sider190
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7949-008-6
StatusUdgivet - 2017


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