Successful Innovation in Tele-Care: Continuous Cocreation and Situated Re-Innovation

Hanne Westh Nicolajsen, Gitte Tjørnehøj, Johan Lundin (Redaktør), Ulrika Lundh Snis (Redaktør)

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


Successful IT-enabled innovation is often attributed to benefit
realization. However, often the results of the innovations are disappointing.
Reason for this is argued to be a divide between development of the
technological solution, and the organizational implementation and change that
should ensure realization of the planned benefits. To handle this dilemma, it is
advised to strengthen the management of the realization project accepting
technology development and organizational change as entangled. Information
technology is thus best described as a socio-material construct having the
technical and the social inextricable linked. This paper challenges the belief in
an inherent divide by suggesting integration of the technological and
organizational development in the pilot-phase as well as subsequent phases
through co-creation and situated re-innovation. With reference to a case on telecare
this paper elaborates on co-creation and situated re-innovation and
illustrates how this can be organized in practice.
TitelProceedings of the 39th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 39) - Ljungskile, Sverige
RedaktørerJohan Lundin, Ulrika Lundh Snis
Antal sider13
Publikationsdatoaug. 2016
ISBN (Elektronisk)978-91-87531-38-5
StatusUdgivet - aug. 2016
BegivenhedInformation systems research seminar in Scandinavia: Living in the Cloud - Campus of Folkhögskolan of Ljungskile, Ljungskile, Sverige
Varighed: 7 aug. 201610 aug. 2016
Konferencens nummer: 39


KonferenceInformation systems research seminar in Scandinavia
LokationCampus of Folkhögskolan of Ljungskile


  • Situated Re-Innovation, Co-creation, Socio-Materiality, Benefits Realization, Tele-Care, Public Sector, Digitalization


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