Soundwalking and Algorithmic Listening

Miguel Carvalhais, Rosemary Lee

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    Soundwalking is a listening and composition method that focuses on the exploration of the envi-ronment. With roots in the 1970s, the artistic practices that sprung from soundwalking engage both with the unmediated soundscape as well as with multiple approaches to its augmentation or the augmentation of the human sensory apparatus. Soundwalking emphasises the listener’s active and participatory role in the construction of dynamic compositions, shaped as much by the environ-ment as by their presence and actions. Given the increasing relevance of computation in physical and public environments, the omnipresence of the metainterface, and how hybrid environments emerge from physical and virtual spaces, this paper discusses how principles and methodologies of soundwalking may allow the exploration and, ultimately, the understanding of computational environments that are increasingly sonic. This paper explores how in these contexts soundwalking can be used as a poetic and aesthetic resource, leading to the development of a listening that em-phasises computation and procedurality, an algorithmic listening.
    TitelRE:SOUND 2019 – 8th International Conference on Media Art, Science, and Technology (RE:SOUND 2019)
    ForlagBCS Learning and Development Ltd
    Publikationsdato20 aug. 2019
    StatusUdgivet - 20 aug. 2019
    BegivenhedMedia Art History (MAH) 2019 Conference: RE:SOUND - Sound, Media and Art – Theories, Histories, Practices - Aalborg
    Varighed: 20 aug. 201823 aug. 2018


    KonferenceMedia Art History (MAH) 2019 Conference
    NavnElectronic Workshops in Computing


    • computational art
    • artificial aesthetics
    • algorithmic listening
    • computational environments
    • procedural reading


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