Robust and reversible execution of self-reconfiguration sequences

Ulrik Pagh Schultz, Mirko Bordignon, Kasper Støy

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    Modular, self-reconfigurable robots are robotic systems that can change their own shape by autonomously rearranging the physical modules from which they are built. In this work, we are interested in how to distributedly execute a specified self-reconfiguration sequence. The sequence is specified using a simple and centralized scripting language, which either could be the outcome of a planner or be hand-coded. The distributed controller generated from this language allows for parallel self-reconfiguration steps and is highly robust to communication errors and loss of local state due to software failures. Furthermore, the self-reconfiguration sequence can automatically be reversed, if desired. We verify our approach and demonstrate its robustness in experiments using physical and the simulated ATRON modules, as well as simulated M-TRAN modules. Overall, the contribution of this work is the combination of the tractability of a centralized scripting language with the robustness and parallelism of distributed controllers in modular robots.

    Sider (fra-til)35-57
    Antal sider23
    StatusUdgivet - 2011


    • Modular Robots
    • Control of Robotic Systems
    • Robotic Self-Diagnosis and Self-Repair
    • Robotic Self-Replication
    • Sensor Networks
