Playing Attack and Defense with Trusted Storage

Javier Gonzalez, Philippe Bonnet, Luc Bouganim

    Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftKonferenceartikelForskningpeer review


    It is often convenient to assume in a data management plat- form that one or several computing devices are trusted, spe- cially when the goal is to provide privacy guarantees over personal data. But what does it take for a computing de- vice to be trusted? More specifically, how can a personal device provide trusted storage? This is the question we tackle in this demonstration. We describe how secure de- vices, equipped with a trusted execution environment, differ from general purpose devices. We illustrate with our demon- stration scenario, that it is much more difficult to attack a storage service running on a secure device, than to attack the same service running on a general purpose device.
    TidsskriftITUs skriftserie
    Antal sider8
    StatusUdgivet - 2014


    • Trusted Computing
    • Privacy Guarantees
    • Data Management
    • Secure Devices
    • Trusted Execution Environment


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