Percepção da autoeficácia computacional docente dos professores da educação básica

Elis Santos, Magda Pischetola

Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


The study proposes a different look at the insertion of digital technologies in the educational field, moving away from the technical perspective and approaching the perception of cultural artifacts immersed in the habits, customs and beliefs of teachers. Pedagogical beliefs work as filters of teachers' thoughts and actions, so this investigation aims to analyze the perception of self-efficacy beliefs that teachers have to teach using digital technologies. The qualitative research was carried out in 8 municipal schools in Rio de Janeiro, interviewing 64 teachers, during the period 2014-2019. The results showed that most teachers (63) used technologies in a personal scope, but when checking the school environment, this group decreased to 47. And only 17 of these managed to modify their pedagogical practices using ICT. It is concluded that the teaching computational self- efficacy does not represent a continuous trust, as it is influenced by several elements and is in constant transformation.
Bidragets oversatte titelPerception of teacher computational self-efficacy of basic education teachers
TidsskriftEducação em Foco
Udgave nummer44
Sider (fra-til)422
Antal sider455
StatusUdgivet - 2021


  • Self-efficacy
  • Teachers' beliefs
  • pedagogic beliefs
  • computational self-efficacy


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