Making Architecture Become: A performative approach to engaged encounters between inhabitants, architecture and technology

Cameline Bolbroe

Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingPh.d.-afhandling


Digitisation of working-, information- and manufacturing processes within the
architectural field, has led to major changes in architectural design. Today, the
opportunity of embedding computational technologies directly into the fabric of
buildings has revitalised concepts of transformative architecture that change, respond and adapts to changing patterns of inhabitation. These new opportunities potentially enable inhabitants to engage in active relationships of exchange that influence their architectural environments. As a consequence, the constitution and experience of transformative architectural environments can be considered as an ongoing process of engaged encounters between the building, technology and inhabitants. The realisation of adaptive potentials are suggested to be dependent on relational conditions, which consider the qualities and processes of mutual forms of exchange unfolding in the relationship between inhabitants and transformative architecture. Designing for such conditions, challenges traditional architectural design approaches and emphasise the need for a design approach, which positions the active and engaged inhabitant as central to architectural design processes.
However, the majority of projects and research within the domain of
transformative architecture predominantly pursue conceptualisations of the
human being that pertains to a static architectural paradigm. Architectural
discourse and projects from the 1960’s and recent contributions to discourse
and practice concerning transformative architecture, is examined and discussed.
The analysis frames a need for conceptualisations of the inhabitant as a sensing,
acting individual, in order to enhance transformative architecture with a
potential to adapt to human needs, preferences and aspirations. Aiming at
substantiating a dedicated people-centric design perspective, a post-dramatic
performative approach is suggested as a means to understand and explore the
particular conditions that unfold as relationships between inhabitants and
forms of architecture with embedded computational technologies. Transferring
expert-performer strategies and techniques from the discipline of performance
to an architectural design context, a methodological framework is proposed.
The framework operationalises relational qualities and processes as a constitutive design potential, and examines performative strategies with the aim of enhancing the design capacity of the architect.
ForlagIT-Universitetet i København
Antal sider197
ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7949-028-4
StatusUdgivet - 2019


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