Living Lab: Format for rehearsing a new (service) practice

Signe Louise Yndigegn, Marie Kirstejn Aakjær

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    Citizen engagement and the citizens as a resource
    are key concepts in rethinking the Danish welfare
    system to meet the challenges of delivering better
    services for the elderly, while simultaneously
    reducing the cost of healthcare. In this method
    paper, we address how the co-design of new digital
    service platforms takes place in the format of
    living labs. We characterize living labs as the
    design of experiential spaces where ‘what is’ and
    ‘what could be’ are explored over a longer period
    of engagement. The labs are staged to integrate
    multiple stakeholders’ issues and resources and to
    create new technologies, concepts, or service
    designs. This paper unpacks the practices of living
    labs with questions of what is being produced, not
    only in terms of products, but also in terms of
    changes in practices, roles, and relations. To
    analyze and discuss this question the authors report
    about their engagement in two co-design projects
    that focus on a digitally mediated community
    practice of sharing and exchanging.
    TitelProceedings of Participatory Innovation Conference, Eskilstuna 2018
    Antal sider9
    StatusUdgivet - 2018
    BegivenhedPIN-C 2018: Participatory Innovation Conference - Eskilstuna, Sverige
    Varighed: 11 jan. 201813 jan. 2018
    Konferencens nummer: 5


    KonferencePIN-C 2018: Participatory Innovation Conference


    • Citizen engagement
    • Danish welfare system
    • Co-design
    • Living labs
    • Digital service platforms
