Le jeu et son nom : qu’est-ce qu’un auteur de jeu vidéo ?

Espen J. Aarseth

Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


We are wondering here about the possibility of developing a notion of "author" adequate to the field of video games. The investigation begins with a reflection on some big names in the field recognized by a legitimate authority in the sector. It turns out that these creators are perhaps less authors than brilliant creators of digital tools, architects or storytellers - without reaching the status of complete author. To do this, they would not only have to have produced several notable games with which their names would be associated, but also have aspired to transmit a certain (political) message. The complete author would then be the one who would succeed in imposing his singular vision on an all-powerful industry hungry for calibrated productions. Their time may still be to come. Twenty years later, a retrospective look confirms the intuition. The sector has matured, has grown enormously and has therefore freed up space for marginal creations: author games, retrogaming , art games and independent games.
TidsskriftPoïétique du jeu vidéo
StatusUdgivet - 2021


  • game designer
  • architect
  • storyteller
  • game engine
  • Postal2
