Hyper-personalization, co-creation, digital clienteling and transformation

Geetika Jain, Justin Paul, Archana Shrivastava

    Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


    The purpose of this study is to extend the technology-based service adoption model in the fashion industry using digital clienteling and examine the impact of the customer innovativeness, willingness to co-create, and customer involvement on their adoption intention towards co-creatively developed new services through digital transformation. Confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modelling (SEM) was carried out for the data analysis. The findings of this study reveal that customer innovativeness, attitude, and subjective norms significantly affect their involvement. Policy planners and managers in the fashion industry for implementing technology applications for co-creating service innovation. The study provides an understanding of the TBRA (technology-based reasoned action) model with co-creation as the mediating variable in the use of digital clienteling for hyper-personalization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that uses co-creation as the mediator for investigating digital clienteling for hyper-personalization in the fashion industry.
    TidsskriftJournal of Business Research
    Sider (fra-til)12-23
    Antal sider12
    StatusUdgivet - 3 dec. 2020


    • SEM
    • Digital clienteling
    • Fashion industry
    • Service innovation
    • Co-creation


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