Evolving Modular Robots: Challenges and Opportunities

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


The body of robots and their controllers need to be adapted to the task that they carry out. While it is possible to design and optimize free-form morphologies, its physical implementation consumes too many resources. In contrast, modular robots provide a feasible approach to design robotic morphologies that can be deployed in minutes, making them a suitable tool to implement virtual creatures. In this article, we tackle the main challenges to consider when evolving modular robots and mention some opportunities that these systems can provide.
TitelProceedings of the ALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life
Antal sider4
ForlagMIT Press
StatusUdgivet - 2021
BegivenhedALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life -
Varighed: 19 jul. 202123 jul. 2021


KonferenceALIFE 2021: The 2021 Conference on Artificial Life


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