Evaluation à la Carte: Non-Strict Evaluation via Compositional Data Types

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    We describe how to perform monadic computations over recursive data structures with fine grained control over the evaluation strategy. This solves the issue that the definition of a recursive monadic function already determines the evaluation strategy due to the necessary sequencing of the monadic operations. We show that compositional data types already provide the structure needed in order to delay monadic computations at any point of the computation.
    TitelProceedings of the 23rd Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory
    RedaktørerPaul Pettersson, Cristina Seceleanu
    Antal sider3
    Publikationsdato1 okt. 2011
    StatusUdgivet - 1 okt. 2011


    • monads,tree transformations,evaluation strategies,Haskell,generic programming
