Double-edged Social Mechanisms at work in the 21st century IS: opportunities and challenges

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    A long hold explanation in IS-Research is that any change in the Information System (IS), through the introduction of new IT-artefacts, trigger a chain of events leading to institutionalized routines and synchronized social practices. This explanation no longer covers the dynamic outcomes in the work-place set in motion by different types of IT-artefacts. We adopt a critical realist philosophy that entails to illuminate how IT-artefacts trigger social mechanisms in the human enterprise. We review IS-literature on the IT-artefact phenomenon from 2001 and forward. We find that the mechanism of individualization is forcefully triggered by new generative IT-artefacts, while enterprise IT-artefacts trigger institutionalization and socialization. We critically asses the opportunities and challenges this present for managers and designers when managing an IS that holds both types of artefacts. We draw a conceptual model of the now dual-IS, with double-edged mechanisms, that correspondingly can empower ambidextrous organizational forms.
    Titelin proceedings of 22nd Pacific Asian Conference in Information Systems, Japan 2018
    Antal sider14
    ForlagAIS Electronic Library (AISeL)
    Publikationsdatojun. 2018
    StatusUdgivet - jun. 2018
    BegivenhedPacific Asia Confrence on Information Systems Conference: Opportunities and Challenges for the Digitized Society: Are we ready? -
    Varighed: 26 jun. 201828 jul. 2018


    KonferencePacific Asia Confrence on Information Systems Conference


    • Information Systems
    • IT-artefacts
    • Critical Realism
    • Institutionalization
    • Individualization


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