Developing/development cyborgs

Casper Bruun Jensen

Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


The paper takes as its starting point Donna Haraway’s suggestion, “The actors are cyborg, nature is coyote, and the geography is elsewhere”. It discusses first the understanding of the cyborg promoted by Haraway as illustrating an ontological non-humanist disposition, rather than a periodizing claim. The second part of the paper examines some instances of low-tech cyborg identities, which have emerged in developing countries (elsewhere) as a consequence of development initiatives. The paper argues that the quite literal attempts to develop cyborgs in such countries gives rise to developments not foreseen or controllable by the development industries. If cyborg identities are developing and minds and bodies shaped in the frictions between culture, technology, economy, and development projects and activities then what are the implications for cognitive studies. In the final part of the paper this question is considered and it is suggested that cognitive studies would do well to expand their analytical foci to take into account cyborg bodies and minds found “elsewhere”.
TidsskriftPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)375-385
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 24 jun. 2008
Udgivet eksterntJa


  • Donna Haraway
  • Cyborg identities
  • Ontological non-humanism
  • Low-tech cyborgs
  • Cognitive studies


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