Designing for intuitive use for non-human users

Hanna Elina Wirman, Ida Kathrine Hammeleff Jørgensen

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


In the field of human-computer interaction the notion of intuitive use describes the extent to which a human user can subconsciously interact with a product by relying on existing knowledge from similar or identical situations. In animal-computer interaction (ACI) the idea of intuitive use holds great potential as it offers a way to conceptualize and further design better interaction. With the aim to inform future design, this paper discusses how the notion of intuitive use can be applied to interaction design for non-human animal users. We argue that tangible user interfaces together with knowledge transfer from other domains familiar to the animal may allow intuitive use of digital technology. Examples will be drawn from an ongoing game design research project which aims to build digital games for Bornean orangutans.
TitelACE '15: Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer entertainment technology
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2015
BegivenhedThe Second International Congress on Animal Computer Interaction: Inventing and Investigating Animal-Computer Interactions - Medini, Nusajaya Iskandar Malaysia, Iskandar, Johor, Malaysia
Varighed: 16 nov. 201516 nov. 2015
Konferencens nummer: 2


KonferenceThe Second International Congress on Animal Computer Interaction
LokationMedini, Nusajaya Iskandar Malaysia
ByIskandar, Johor


  • ACI; intuitive use; digital games; interface design; tangible user interface; orangutan play
