Declarative, Parallel Programming For End-User Development

Alexander Asp Bock

    Publikation: Bog / Antologi / Rapport / Ph.D.-afhandlingPh.d.-afhandling


    Spreadsheets are popular tools in many areas such as science,
    finance and engineering for large, complex models that inform critical
    decisions. Spreadsheet end-users are usually domain experts
    but may not be trained IT professionals.
    Shared-memory multicore processors have become commonplace
    commodities, but how can spreadsheet end-users leverage
    this powerful hardware to accelerate spreadsheet computation? They
    may need to collaborate with an IT department or consult professionals.
    Existing solutions usually require some level of user interaction
    or the availability of a compute cluster. This thesis investigates the
    development of tools and algorithms that automatically accelerate
    spreadsheet recalculation in a completely transparent manner, targeting
    the shared-memory multicore processors of today’s computers.
    The declarative and functional nature of spreadsheets makes
    them a prime candidate for automatic parallelism.
    We explore two approaches to automatic parallelism. The first
    dynamically attempts to discover local parallelism on-the-fly during
    cell evaluation. The second approach statically analyses the spreadsheet
    and globally partitions cells into load-balanced groups that
    can be executed in parallel on shared-memory multicore processors.
    The work is implemented in Funcalc, a research spreadsheet
    application featuring higher-order functions. They can be defined
    directly inside the spreadsheet using the formula language endusers
    are already familiar with. We believe this additional expressive
    power combined with automatic tools for levering the underlying
    hardware is a powerful framework for end-user development.
    ForlagIT-Universitetet i København
    Antal sider230
    ISBN (Trykt)978-87-7949-025-3
    StatusUdgivet - 2019


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