Contracts for Cross-organizational Workflows as Timed Dynamic Condition Response Graphs

Bidragets oversatte titel: Kontrakter for tværorganisatoriske arbejdsgange som Timed Dynamic Condition Response Graphs

Thomas Hildebrandt, Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Tijs Slaats, Francesco Zanitti

Publikation: Artikel i tidsskrift og konference artikel i tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningpeer review


We conservatively extend the declarative Dynamic Condition Response (DCR) Graph process model, introduced in the PhD thesis of the second author, to allow for discrete time deadlines. We prove that safety and liveness properties can be verified by mapping finite timed DCR Graphs to finite state transition systems. We exemplify how deadlines can introduce time-locks and deadlocks and violate liveness. We then prove that the general technique for safe distribution of DCR Graphs provided in previous work can be extended to timed DCR Graphs. We exemplify the use of timed DCR Graphs and the distribution technique in praxis on a timed extension of a cross-organizational case management process arising from a previous case study. The example shows how a timed DCR Graph can be used to describe the global contract for a timed workflow process involving several organizations, which can then be distributed as a network of communicating timed DCR Graphs describing the local contract for each organization.
Bidragets oversatte titelKontrakter for tværorganisatoriske arbejdsgange som Timed Dynamic Condition Response Graphs
TidsskriftJournal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
Sider (fra-til)164–185
StatusUdgivet - 2013


  • Time
  • Contracts
  • Declarative process models
  • Cross-organizational workflow
  • Safety
  • Liveness


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