Complexities of collaborating: Understanding and managing differences in collaborative design of museum communication

Bidragets oversatte titel: Håndtering af kompleksiteter i kollaborativt design af museumskommunikation: Potentialer og udfordringer ved at arbejde på tværs af forskellige stakeholders

Line Vestergaard Knudsen, Anne Rørbæk Olesen

Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelBidrag til bog/antologiForskningpeer review


This chapter deals with the concept of collaborative design and argues for the importance of a detailed analytical attention to the complexities of collaborating across different stakeholders when researching and managing the design of museum communication. Collaboration is a term often used in the literature on designing museum communication and there are numerous accounts of the potentials of collaboration in the museum context. Thus, collaboration is a necessary activity for
developing communication that adheres to an increasingly complex media usage in
today's museum world. However, the focus is often on overall perspectives and
outcomes, rather than on how collaboration is actually practiced as a complex work
process across various stakeholders. In this chapter, we give an overview of studies of
potentials and challenges of collaborative design across dissimilar constellations of
collaboration and we put emphasis on differences as a particularly important factor.
Inspired by perspectives from Science and Technology Studies (STS), we give
examples to show how various approaches to complexity can be used to investigate
differences in collaborative design processes. Finally, we discuss how the advocated
approach can introduce new directions to both research and management of
collaborative design of museum communication.
Bidragets oversatte titelHåndtering af kompleksiteter i kollaborativt design af museumskommunikation: Potentialer og udfordringer ved at arbejde på tværs af forskellige stakeholders
TitelThe Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication
ISBN (Trykt)9781138676305
StatusUdgivet - 2018


  • Collaborative design
  • Museum communication
  • Complexity
  • Co-design
  • STS
  • Situational analysis
  • Partial connections
