Combining Sequential and Aggregated Data for Churn Prediction inCasual Freemium Games

Jeppe Theiss Kristensen, Paolo Burelli

    Publikation: Konference artikel i Proceeding eller bog/rapport kapitelKonferencebidrag i proceedingsForskningpeer review


    In freemium games, the revenue from a player comes from the in-app purchases made and the advertisement to which that player is exposed. The longer a player is playing the game, the higher will be the chances that he or she will generate a revenue within the game.
    Within this scenario, it is extremely important to be able to detect promptly when a player is about to quit playing (churn) in order to react and attempt to retain the player within the game, thus prolonging his or her game lifetime.
    In this article we investigate how to improve the current state-of-the-art in churn prediction by combining sequential and aggregate data using different neural network architectures.
    The results of the comparative analysis show that the combination of the two data types grants an improvement in the prediction accuracy over predictors based on either purely sequential or purely aggregated data.
    TitelProceedings of the IEEE Conference on Games
    Antal sider8
    Publikationsdato30 jul. 2019
    ISBN (Trykt)978-1-7281-1885-7
    ISBN (Elektronisk) 978-1-7281-1884-0
    StatusUdgivet - 30 jul. 2019
    BegivenhedIEEE Conference on Games (2019) - Queen Mary University of London, London, Storbritannien
    Varighed: 20 aug. 201923 aug. 2019


    KonferenceIEEE Conference on Games (2019)
    LokationQueen Mary University of London


    • Freemium games
    • Churn prediction
    • Neural network architectures
    • Sequential data
    • Aggregate data


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